Billie Piper in stage play "Treats"]
Got up at 9:45 today. Go me. Though, a bit sneezy and woozy and feverish. So may have a cold. Went to local chemist and bought some pills and the woman checking me out gave me a free "vitamin booster" thing which I thought was very kind of her -- although it was just a small packet of it and no doubt she's to give it out to anyone buying flu-like stuff to advertise the item-- but, emotional me, was momentarily affected by it.
Saw a picture of one of my favourite actresses, Billie Piper, on the cover of a magazine where she looked all worn down, wearing a shabby coat, with her hair all mussed, no makeup. The headline was something like "after giving birth, Billie Piper on diet, eating nothing, and smoking lots of fags," which made me despair of life b/c she's such a lovely sweet girl whose imperfections are exaggerated and/or disparaged regularly because, even though she is a well-received actress now, she was once a pop star -- and they are easy pickins. But then, against my "better self", I felt sort of pleased because even she is criticized, and it put into perspective any such criticism I might receive. And then she really doesn't put on any pretensions. She often looks like a "regular" person when out in public. She doesn't care so much about appearances as many in her position do.
Went to four different book stores looking for a book I'm suppose to have read by Wednesday for one class. None of the book stores -- even the major ones -- have the book. Library is of course useless. I never bother to look at my book list any farther than a week before the class, and usually only a few days before. I should probably work on that for next term.
Taking for-eva to get through Hardy, THE WOODLANDERS, that I have to give an "informal presentation" on next Wednesday. Enjoy the book, though -- one small relief. And no theory shit, which pleases me to no end.
Bought a heated spicy meat ball sandwich from Pret a Manger. They were out when I went in so I went to a local store to get something and then came back and they had more. It is wonderfully surreal how happy I was about that.
Sunny; 40 degrees abouts. Despite being a bit sick, I spent an hour on a bench along the Bank reading Hardy. The sun kept me warm, and my ridiculously huge fluffy white ear muffs.
3:30; starting to get dark. I found a whole series of Friends bloopers on youtube. So I'm going to watch that, take a shower, read Hardy (hopefully finish Hardy), go out & get a London Lite from the Indian guy who gives them out on the corner (who, when I passed him the other day after having already been given one from someone else on my way home, looked very sad that I didn't take one from him; I get one from him nearly every day), then watch new episode of Spooks, in which I shall find out which character is working as a double agent -- hope it's Harry -- then maybe read some Febvre for migration class (probably not though), and then sleepys.
And you?
Ooooh, the spicy meatball sandwhich reminds me of subway - mmmm! - been in there a little too often methinks - but subway sandwhiches are yummy!
I went to two lectures today, had lunch with 3 course mates (well, if you count a pack of crisps and dr pepper as lunch :P ) and back to mine where I still am, beavering away at an essay... that really needs to be done sharpish :S
i went shopping for an omg amount of time at outlet stores because my mom would not let me not go. though i did get an awesome brown winter coat for cheap. now i am crossing my fingers hoping there's a top gear on tonight that i havent seen
Emma -- Subway is good times. I like to get the bacon melt. Have you tried Pret's meatball sandwiches though? They are the best ever. (I'm clearly obsessed). I am totally getting one again tomorrow if they have them.
Crisps always count as a meal in my book.
How did the essay go?
my dear molski,
outlet stores rock. I approve.
You already know I'm envious of your coat-picking skills.
Top Gear rocks. James May (sp?) in a speed boat for the episode I just saw.
Check this site out (on second thought I'll send it to your facebook too incase). It's a video site that uploads the current episodes of topgear. Seems legit. http://WWW.WATCHTOPGEAR.NET/ -- yeah, no? wishful thinking?
Is it just me or does that actress look exactly like me?
Nice blog...!
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