Just a few photos I've got. The first two are the IMAX theatre, the view of it from when I exit my building. The IMAX features movies and every few weeks changes it's colossal advertisement for a particularly hot movie on it's glass exterior. Of course -- what should be advertised now but -- the new James Bond film.
The last pic is one of my room, the only good one I could manage with it being dark outside (just finished cleaning my room, exhuming bunches of tissue papers from the floor and other gunk I won't mention but which is inevitable after being drop-near-dead sick all week).
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Is it just me -- or is there a ghostly-like presence near the left side of the window (shaped just like a person, yeah?) Reflection from the window?...
More pics of room and possibly other things tomorrow!
Hope all's doing well.
2025 at the Brontë Parsonage Museum
15 hours ago
Oooh! And is that a fridge I see?
Yeah - there is a weird reflection...
Yup a fridge.
The image looks like a woman with a shawl or blanket wrapped about her.
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