01 October 2008

Um, I'm in London

Folks, I'm in London.

And just figured out how to connect to the Internet in my room.

I will post pictures and description later. Been up since 5:00 and have classes until 6:00 tonight. But Wednesday is the only day I have classes.

I will say that I saw Nick Clegg, the liberal democrat leader for the House of Commons, yesterday at the Royal Courts near Chancery Lane, taking some photos with Asian people -- no doubt trying to bolster his lack-luster reputation -- with press people all around like a swarm of bees. The Lib Dems are the Green Party of British politics, roughly speaking.

More later.


emmsifoppicus said...

Wow! Sounds like you're right in the "hub" on London! Where it all happens... :D xx

molski said...

sorry, hold on, you only have ONE DAY of classes???
so you get to chill in london 6 days a week?
i am even more jealous.