for amusement purposes.
4 diet coke cans
a pretty finished jar of strawberry jam
half-full milk carton -- 2%
salad dressing -- organic french dressing
Dijon Mustard
fat-free chicken and broccoli pie
month old English cheedar cheese slices
one orange
butter made with mild olive oil
one chocolate sundae from Sainsbury's
Anne’s Radical Masterpiece
3 days ago
oh man you have really expanded since my visit! nice work!:)
He he - I think I have a similar array of food, as its nearing Christmas I'm putting off buying food until I have to (tryna save monez!)...currently I have a half empty ketchup bottle, a morsel of cheese, a garlic clove (not much use), a carrot, a 9th of a bottle of Lambrini (sparkling Perry), chicken nuggets (that have been in freezer for more than a month, so should be binned, and lettuce that has just gone past sell by date. Yum yum!!
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